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Under the provisions of art. 13 of the RGPD (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by the Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is repealed, we now inform you in detail about the sections contained in the basic information.


The person responsible for processing your data is Olga Teresa Verdú Martin, with ID number 52.186.160B, and address for this purpose at Avda. Doctor Fleming nº 29 45210-Yuncos (Toledo).

Complementary data of the person in charge of the treatment: Olga Teresa Verdú Martin, with ID number 52.186.160B, and address for this purpose at Avda. Doctor Fleming nº 29 45210-Yuncos (Toledo) tlf. 628343065 - e-mail:, which acts in its own name and right.


The data controller, who has signed a service provision contract with the data controller and consequently under the provisions of the aforementioned contract, performs the following functions for the data controller:

  • Specify functions of the data controller.

Information about Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B (data controller):

  • Social data (if it is a company, including VAT number)

  • Personal data if it is a self-employed person or natural person, including NIF number.

  • Data of the Property Administrator (in either of the two cases - commercial or self-employed): name and surname, NIF, qualifying degree.

  • Full address including city and postal code.

  • Contact telephone numbers and hours of attention to the community member.

  • Email address.

  • Website address, if applicable.



The purposes of the processing of personal data are exclusively the management of the judicial and / or administrative procedures of this professional office. To this end:

  • The personal data that will be processed will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, as required by the principle of purpose limitation, contained in the RGPD.

  • The period during which said personal data will be kept is determined by circumstances such as the completion of the judicial or administrative procedure.

  • The cessation of the relationship of provision of services of the data controller with the client for any of the causes established in the contract signed between the parties or contemplated by law, will also determine the termination of the processing of the personal data of the client by the person responsible for the unemployed treatment.

  • In the processing of personal data of this company there are no automated decisions, including the elaboration of profiles, since they are not contemplated by law for this type of treatment nor are they necessary for them.

  • Duty of data conservation: This company will keep the data of the interested party exclusively for the duration of the contract between the two. Likewise, the interested party may have a copy of these contracts and attached documentation for their own purposes, including those derived from possible circumstances of the processing of their data by the data controller.


The treatment of the personal data of the clients of the company will be determined, depending on the case, by the execution of a contract, the fulfillment of a legal obligation or the consent of the interested party in the terms of the RGPD.

In any of these cases, the nature, extension and limits of the agreement will be established by mutual agreement with the client, with express reference to the rights that, for the purposes of data protection, assist the client, which may be invoked at any time of the validity of the contract concluded between the parties.



No data will be transferred or communicated to third parties, except legal obligation or express consent of the client in the terms of the RGPD.

  • In the event that, for the provision of the entrusted service, the data controller needs the intervention of a qualified third party, it will previously require the client's consent in the terms of the RGPD, and if so, it will communicate its data to that third party exclusively for the authorized treatment, documenting it in a contract.


6.-RIGHTS.- (arts. 15 et seq. RGPD)

As determined by articles 15 to 21, both inclusive, of the RGPD, customers have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data processed by the data controller.

  • To request its rectification or deletion.

  • To request the limitation of your treatment.

  • To oppose the treatment, in the cases provided for in the RGPD.

  • To the portability of your data.

  • To withdraw consent at any time, if it has been granted for a specific purpose, (without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal).

The person in charge of treatment, once the request has been made by the interested party, who may contact the person in charge of treatment by the means that he puts at his disposal - see section RESPONSIBLE FOR TREATMENT-, will attend within the terms provided by the RGPD (which does not may exceed one month) the request of the interested party.

  • Likewise, the data controller will inform the interested parties that they can file a claim with the State Control Authority regarding data protection, especially when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights.






  • The intellectual property rights over the website, content, graphic design and other unique elements thereof are owned by Olga Teresa Verdú Martin, with ID number 52.186160B. It corresponds to said owner the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the matter.


  • The user agrees to use this website correctly, lawfully and in accordance with the principles of good faith. Olga Teresa Verdú Martín (Laboral Ferma), with ID number 52.186.160B, rejects any liability arising from the inappropriate or illegal use of its contents.
    Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B, rejects responsibility for any information on the website not contained therein, not prepared by the company or not published with its name.


  • Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained on its website, and may even limit or deny access to said information temporarily or permanently.
    The information contained in this website is periodically updated without a fixed date, so Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B, expressly reserves the right to update it when it deems appropriate, without abiding by conditions of any kind.


  • In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD - REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE (General Data Protection Regulation) is repealed, Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B informs that all the data to which it has access provided by users of Your website will be incorporated into the company's files, which are duly listed in the RGPD, to enable contact, maintenance and management of the possible contractual relationship with your clients, or, where appropriate, the management of your request. of information or suggestions about our activities, sent through the forms inserted for this purpose on the web or through the communications addressed to the company by the aforementioned users via email.

  • The user will respond, in any case, to the veracity of the data provided.

  • Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B, undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy of personal data, her duty to keep them and to adopt the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access , using the legal and technological means available.

  • Regardless of what is established in the previous paragraph and in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, users have the right to exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, rectification or deletion, limitation of treatment, in their case, opposition and portability of your data, by writing to Olga Teresa Verdú Martín, with ID number 52.186.160B and REGISTERED OFFICE AT: Avda. Doctor Fleming nº 29 45210 YUNCOS (Toledo) or by email to the address: olgaverduasesores @



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